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Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera) Health Benefits Medicinal Miracles ~ Dr Parthasaradhi Kolla MD (Ay) Msc (Psy)

Dr. Parthasaradhi Kolla Ayurvedic doctor in Tirupati describes the Medicinal miracles of shigru (Moringa.Oleifera) and the health benefits associated by including drumstick leaves (Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera)) in our daily diet. Ayurveda is a comprehensive natural health care system that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. It is still widely used in India as a system of primary health care based on its own unique and original concept and fundamental principles, and interest in it is growing worldwide as well. Traditional medicinal plants have long been used to treat various ailments in the primary health care system. Shigru (Moringa oleifera) is the most widely cultivated species, fast-growing, drought-resistant, native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in north western India, and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas. It has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. Different parts of this plant are being employed for the treatment of different ailments in the indigenous system of medicine. The different parts of this plant are used for the cure of arthritis and joints disorders, malnutrition, blindness, diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia, urinary tract problems, kidney stones, to induce lactation in nursing women and related ailments.

Dr Parathasaradhi Kolla Tirupati Ayurvedic Specialist about Shigru Moringa Oleifera 

Renowned Ayurvedic specialist Doctor in tirupati, Dr Parthasaradhi Kolla (MD Ay) describes about the various good health benefits of Moringa oleifera, also known as Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn, is a member of the Moringaceae family of perennial angiosperm plants, which includes 12 other species Native of the sub-Himalayan northern parts of India, it is cultivated throughout tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world, where it is known by various vernacular names, with drumstick tree, horseradish tree, and malunggay being the most commonly found in the literature.

M. oleifera is variably labeled as Miracle Tree, Tree of Life, Mother’s Best Friend, God’s Gift to Man, Savior of the Poor. In many regions it is widely consumed for self-medication by patients.

Ayurveda Classics About  Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera) by Dr Parthasaradhi Kolla Tirupati

In Charaka Samhita, Shigru has been classified as

-> Krimighna (a group of drugs used for the treatment of worm infestation)

-> Shirovirechanopaga (adjuvant in sudation therapy)

-> Katukaskandha  and Haritakavarga (group of green vegetables)

-> Sushuruta Samhita 

-> Varunadi Gana

-> Ashtanga Hridaya

-> Shirovirechan Dravya (errhine).

-> Nighantus

-> Raja Nighantu 

-> Mukhjadykara, deepana (Useful for stimulating digestive fire), vranadoshnuta,

-> Bhavprakash Nighantu

-> Sangrahi, shukrala(semen promoting), hridhya (Wholesome for heart), cakshusya (Beneficial for eyes), vidradhihara(pacifies abscess), sothahara (Antiinflammatory),

-> Dhanvantari Nighantu

-> Sophahara (Anti-inflammatory), krimihara (Antihelmintic), medohara, vidradhihara, plihaghna, gulmanashaka (Destroying the abdominal lump).

Varieties of Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera)

There are two varieties of Shigru mentioned in classical texts on the basis of flower color viz. white (Shveta) and red (Rakta) which are bitter and sweet (katu-madhura) in taste and they are specifically known as Katushigru and Madhushigru, respectively. Katushigru botanically identified as Moringa oleifera Lam., occurs almost throughout country. Madhushigru, botanically identified as Moringa concanensis Nimmo.

Medicinal properties of Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera) and various health benefits

The medicinal properties of these kinds of Shigru or Shobhanjana are also specified in textual sources of medicine. It as Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulatory, Anti-cancer, Aam Pachak (Detoxifier), Analgesic, Anthelmintic, Cardiac stimulant, Digestive stimulant, Antirheumatic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-mutagenic, Anti-stress, Mucolytic, Carminative, Emmenagogue, Anti-hyperglycemic, Muscle relaxant, properties.


The leaves of Moringa Oleifera provides an excellent source of several essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients including proteins, vitamin B6, riboflavin, vitamin C, and iron. One cup (approximately 21 grams) of the fresh leaves of this plant contains the following compounds:

Active Ingredients of Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera)

Protein -2 grams

Vitamin B6 - 19% of the RDA

Vitamin C -12% of the RDA

Iron -11% of the RDA

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - 11% of the RDA

Vitamin A (from beta-carotene) -9% of the RDA

Magnesium -8% of the RDA

The pods of Moringa Oleifera also contain several vitamins and minerals. They are particularly rich in vitamin C.

Ayurvedic Properties of Shirgru (Moringa Oleifera)

Taste – RASA

KATU (Pungent) & TIKTA (Bitter)

Main Quality – GUNA

LAGHU (Light), RUKSHA (Dry), & TIKSHNA (Sharp)

Potency – VIRYA

USHNA (Heat)

Resultant – VIPAKA

KATU (Pungent)

Therapeutic Effect – PRABHAVA


DOSHA KARMA (Effect on Humors)

Pacifies KAPHA & VATA

Dhatu (Tissue) Effect


Beneficial for Organs

Nerves, Stomach, Lungs, Heart, Uterus, Thyroid Gland, Bones & Joints (CS.Su,1 .117).

Bioactive phytochemicals

Major medicinal interest are three structural classes of phytochemicals: glucosinolates, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. 

Pharmacological actions of Shigru

Antioxidant properties

Oxidative stress is widely accepted as a major contributing factor in the pathogenesis of CVD and diabetes .Therapeutic actions of M. oleifera medication is the relatively high antioxidant activity of its leaves, flowers, and seeds, flavonoids appear to carry most of this activity. Several of these by-products have been shown to possess antihypertensive properties

Quercetin    It can reduce hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis 

Chlorogenic acid  can beneficially affect glucose metabolism.

Moringinine purified from M. oleifera root bark. This substance was suspected to mediate the hypoglycemic effect.

 Niaziminin ethanolic extracts of M. oleifera leaves, based on their hypotensive properties

Clinical researches on Shigru

Moringa Oleifera for Diabetes

Moringa Oleifera is known to possess anti-diabetic properties. It can also help to prevent the complications of diabetes such as diabetic neuralgias, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic foot, and cataracts as an antioxidant.

Research studies on Diabetes

The study showed an improvement in the parameters of diabetes in the experimental mice. The progression of diabetes was also significantly reduced after the treatment with the Moringa Oleifera extract.

The role of Moringa Oleifera in the regulation of diabetes-induced oxidative stress was studied during scientific research. The antioxidant effect exerted by the aqueous extract of the young leaves of Moringa Oleifera was evaluated through the in vivo and in-vitro assays.

Moringa Oleifera for Cancer

Moringa Oleifera helps to treat cancer by acting as an antioxidant. Moringa Oleifera can also help to prevent cancer by inhibiting the mutations in the DNA of the healthy cells. It also stimulates the natural ability of the body to induce apoptosis.

Moringa Oleifera has the ability to block angiogenesis. As a result, the process of formation of new blood vessels within the tumor mass is inhibited. Due to this, the tumor cells do not receive the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed for their survival resulting in their death.

The phytochemicals present in this plant produce an anti-neoplastic activity. It produces a selective cytotoxic effect against the cancer cells resulting in their destruction. These properties of Moringa Oleifera help in reducing the tumor size and tumor cell count.

Research studies on Cancer

The extracts were tested against the HCT-8 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cell lines. The extracts of the bark and leaves showed significant anti-cancer properties though the effect of the seed extracts was found to be insignificant.

GC-MS analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of several known anti-cancer compounds, including eugenol, D-allose, isopropyl isothiocyanate, and hexadecenoic acid ethyl ester. These finding proved the anti-cancer potential of Moringa Oleifera and its usefulness in the treatment of breast and colorectal cancers. extracts could arrest the cell progression

Moringa Oleifera for Hypercholesterolemia

Moringa Oleifera reduces the cholesterol levels by regulating the metabolism of fats. It also enhances the fat-burning mechanisms thus ensuring faster utilization of the fats deposited in the body.

It boosts the functions of the liver and regulates the processes involved in the transportation of cholesterol between liver and the cells of the body.

Research studies on Hypercholesterolemia

The results of this study showed that both Moringa Oleifera,  lowered the levels of serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL, and phospholipid. The atherogenic index and cholesterol to phospholipid ratio were also found to be lower in the experimental rats. A rise in the HDL level was also noted.

It also prevented the abnormalities associated with the activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and alanine aminotransferase in the serum. It was found to inhibit the perturbation of the total cholesterol, serum butyrylcholinesterase, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Broad spectrum physiological properties of Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera)

Their apparent therapeutic effects could be due to the combined actions of various bioactive components found in the plant, including trace metal ions, vitamins, alkaloids, carotenoids, polyphenols, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Arsenic Toxicity

Moringa Oleifera has been found to offer protection against the effect of Arsenic toxicity. The leaves and seeds of this plant can neutralize the effect of Arsenic by producing an antioxidant effect. It protects the liver against the damage caused by the exposure to Arsenic and prevents oxidative damage to the healthy tissues.

Research studies on Arsenic Toxicity

The results of this study revealed that the supplementation with Moringa Oleifera could abrogate the arsenic-induced elevation in the levels of triglyceride, urea, and glucose.

Clinical presentation outcomes Shigru (Moringa.Oleifera) ayurvedic study Dr Parthasaradhy Kolla

It provides all Vitamins Main vitamin contents of moringa oleifera are vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-3, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-7, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K.

 Helps in Muscle building

Moringa oleifera is high on protein content. Protein and amino acids are two main building block of the body. Hence, anyone looking for muscle gain moringa oleifera is the best thing to have in the diet.

Treats underdeveloped lungs

Another constituent of moringa oleifera is oleic acid. It is mainly found in its leaves and seeds. It is kind of monounsaturated fat. According to studies, oleic acid is helpful in treating the patients with underdeveloped lungs. Oleic acid is essential for the newborn babies. It has known to have a reducing effect on blood pressure and cholesterol level.

 Helps in digestion of food

Fresh pods and leaves of moringa oleifera have heavy vitamin A content. Vitamin A is one of those antioxidants that are fat-soluble. This vitamin A lines the colon membrane with mucus, which helps in smooth flow of food during digestion.

In addition, externally it helps in maintaining skin, vision, and immunity.

Improves immunity

It is said to have a reducing effect on a common cold, though not proven. Consumption of Vitamin c will help in improving immunity against various diseases. It also fights against the harmful oxygen free agents in the body.

Synthesizes RNA and DNA

Thiamine produces energy from carbohydrates and involved in RNA and DNA formation. Riboflavin catabolizes fatty acids.

Treats anemia

 It contains calcium, which is important for bones and teeth. It contains iron which eliminates anemia. It contains zinc, which is essential for hair growth, spermatogenesis, and skin maintenance.

Repairs Damaged tissues

It contains arginine, which produces growth hormones, which repairs the damaged tissues. It makes immune system strong against bacteria, viruses and cancer cells.

Improves excretory process

It also has Aspartic acid, which helps in the excretory process. It produces ammonia from the waste created by cells.

Avoids environment caused diseases

It contains Cystine, which is powerful against radiation and pollution causing diseases.

Promotes cell formation

It contains Glycine, which produces oxygen required for cell formation, and forms hormones required for the immune system.

Sharper and healthy brain

Glutamic acid is helpful for the brain. It improves mental ability and healing process becomes faster. Tyrosine helps in transmitting impulses in the nervous system, which improves memory, mental ability, and alertness.

Side effects of moringa oleifera (Shigru)

If eaten in large quantities it may cause loose motion, upset stomach, and other gastronomic issues. Pregnant women are not advised to use any product of moringa oleifera because it might lead to miscarriage. It has seen in pregnant women that by consuming it, the uterus is contracted.

Remedies with Shigru mentioned in classics

The paste of shigru and devadaru (Cedrus deodara Rosb., ) controls vidarika. (VM.57.4)

Decoction of shigru mixed with hingu (Ferula narthex Boiss.,) and rocksalt and taken every morning alleviates abscess. (VM. 43.10).

Fomentations and poultices should be applied with shigru root. (VM.43.3).

Intake of the juice of shigru root with honey removes internal abscess. (VM 43.11).

Juice of shigru mixed with honey, oil and rocksalt removes earache. (CD.57.5).

Juice of shigru leaves mixed with honey removes many diseases of eye (AH.U.16.9)

Lump made of shigru leaves is useful in conjunctivitis caused by kapha. (SG. 3.13.27).

Tub-bath with decoction of the shigru leaves pacify piles

Application of the paste of shigru and varuna made with sour gruel removes Gout pain. (BS.vātarakta. 68) .

Shigru has been indicated in the treatment of oedema by Acharya Charaka (CS.Su.1.117). Anti-infammatory activity in pharmacological studies validates classical claim.

Powder of shigru leaves regularly intake at morning with empty stomach effectively works on goiter and throid problems.

Regular intake of shigru treats Aneamia. 


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